The Gadget Story - The Story Of
The Court Case Of
The Toronto Prostutute Who Plotted Murder & Kidnapping and Lied In Statements To Peel Police To Have An Innocent Man Arrested
2006 - 2009 & Going
Under Age Sex With A Cop
Mr Ford
Conspiracy to Murder
Is Not A Crime In
Peel Region

Story of Darya and Lola Gunchenko






2 Out Of 6 Ain't Bad - When It Comes To Giving Statements Under Oath.

Telling the truth in court seems to be at the very low end of the scale in court room 306. As the prostitute, Darya Gunchenko, is on what seems to be her 6th version of the past events. This now blowing away her previous 2 statements she provided before ever entering a court room.

The high priced call girl denies she is a prostitute, but admits she picked up her clients from the Million Dollar Strip Club who come into town every few weeks and are willing to blow $500 bucks on her for an evening of Russian pleasures. She also confirms that she worked on TRACK in Toronto to have a bundle of cash for spending money as her Mother shipped her away to Russia .

Darya Gunchenko Audio    

Peel's Finest Gets -A Minus.....For Taking The Baby To Bed.

While prostituting herself for money, Darya talks openly on tape, that she met a man in the Million Dollar strip club and offered her highly priced Full Sex services to the gentleman. After the sex acts, the man informs her that he's a cop. and further goes on to tell her not to worry that it "OK".

This steamy sex scandal has been validated in court.




The true story of a Town called Rosewood located in Florida in 1923. who's citizens were murdered (lynched) solely based on the lie of a woman who was beaten after a encounter with her lover. In order to protect herself and her reputation from public ridicule and the anger of her loving husband, FANNY, runs out into the middle of the town and cries to the towns people that she was just severely beaten by a Negro. The news spreads through the town, the story taking a turn in it true events by towns people claiming that Fanny was severely beaten and rapd by the negro. As things turned from bad to worse in the little town in Rosewood Florida, Fanny keeps the real truth to herself as nearly the entire town is massacred.

Although during the slaughter, the towns people came to the realization that Fanny was lying but they still continued to murder the black people of Rosewood and denied the true facts.

** The state of florida did a cover up in the amount of people who died.

A Thanks goes out to Tailz of Future Crew for locating this movie.


After what appears the stem from the circulation of Darya Gunchenko's under oath confession that she had sex with a cop whom she met at the strip club while being under age, and also that she also lied to 3 pimps and conspired with the same (3) men to have Hugh Ford murdered, for reasons Darya Gunchenko claims that still to date she does not know "WHY" for the murder plot

Race hate comments, threats and more fabricated statements are posted in what appears to be attempt to scare blog commenter's in defence of the Peel Regional Police "Generated "Victim".





Darya Gunchenko explains how this movie really portrays the same kind of relationship that she has built with her mother over time.

The Mother and Daughter tag team who goes through life conning the men they come accross
out of their fortunes.




Full Story Coming Soon




XCLAN | JrDOG99 | FUTURE CREW | DFP, Const. Jason Watson #1898, Cst. Jason Watson #1898, Jason Watson Peel Regional Police Vice Unit, Const. Sean Gormley #2544, Cst.Sean Gormley #2544, Sean Gormley Peel Regional Police, Const. Mike Viozzi #1897, Cst. Mike Viozzi #1897, Mike Viozzi Peel Regional Police Vice Unit, Const. Mark Dapat #1919, Cst. Mark Dapat #1919, Mark Dapat Peel Regional Police Vice Unit, Det. Randy Cowan #1195, Randy Cowan Peel Regional Police Vice Unit, Det. Randall Cowan Peel Regional Police, Randall Cowan, Peel Police Chief Mike Metcalf, Mike Metcalf, Peel Police Chief, Aimee Gauthier, Darya Gunchenko, Dasha Gunchenko, Lisa Manwarren, Rajni Parmar, Lola Gunchenko, Nicole Zammit, Terbite, Trevor Mohammed, Sgt. Zeke Shah #1171, Const. Noonan #2248, Cst. Noonnan #2248, Const. Laing #2806, Cst. Laing #2806, Const. Kristine Arnold, Cst. Kristine Arnold #2366, Const. Martin, Cst. Martin #2350, Const. Pederson, Cst. Pederson, #3030, Const. Jenkins, Cst. Jenkins #2892, Const. John Hillie, Cst. John Hillie #2933, Const. Davis, Cst. Davis #2969, Donald Bijowski, Const. Kyle Binkley, Const. David Laing, Donald Bijowski, Cst. Kyle Binkley, Cst. David Laing, Cst. Jason Shawartz, Const. Jason Shawartz, Const. Ostaszewski, Cst. Ostaszewski #1313, Const. Besco, Cst. Besco #1218, Cannonball Strip Club, Million Dollar Strip Club, The New Locomotion Strip Club, Midway Invader Strip Club, Brampton, Mississauga, Peel Region, XcLan, DFP, Digital Fortress Chat Portal, Hugh Ford, CN Tower, Toronto Zoo, Centerville, Center Island, Ontario Place, Royal Ontario Museum, ROM, Ontario Science Center, The Toronto Skydome, The Historic Distillery District, Historic Fort York Centre, Casa Loma, Peel Police Informant, CP24 News, Toronto Star, Toronto Sun, CTV, Eye Weekly News, Now Toronto, associated press, The Brampton Guardian, The Mississauga News, Peel Police Informant, Snitch, Informer, Liar, Rat, Prostitute,Imani Nakpangi, Hooker, Peel Police Corruption, Peel Police Dishonesty, Peel Police Bullying, Peel Police Intimidation, Peel Police Harassment, peel police brutality, Police Brutality, Peel's Finest Gets -A Minus, Yes We Can By ............ The Gadget Story. The Gadget Scandal. 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Story Of Darya and Lola Gunchenko